Chick Pea

We provide high-quality Ethiopia chickpeas to the local and export market. Ethiopia’s chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is part of a leguminous family of crops that are rich in protein and pulse content. The popular name for the legume ranges from ceci bean to chana to Bengal gram. The major varieties that do well in the country include Desi and Kabuli. The Desi cultivar is usually sweet and the most popular and widespread in local farms. It features brown, yellow or greenish black colors, all having hard coats. The Kabuli variety comes in a beige color and can be pear-shaped or round. Its coat is normally light and soft to the touch. The two cultivars feature in meals as fresh vegetables and locals eat them in boiled, roasted or fried form. The crop is the fourth largest in total hectarage of all oil-producing legumes in the horn of Africa country.

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